perm filename LEAP.WRU[DOC,AIL]1 blob
sn#048384 filedate 1973-06-28 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00007 00003
C00011 00004 2. LEAP CALLS
C00026 00005
C00035 00007 4. SETS and LISTS
C00040 00008 5. ASSOCIATIONS
C00045 00009 If there are multiple hits, then the entry on the conflict
C00048 00010 For those who prefer pictures with lots of spaghetti, this
C00059 00012 7. ERROR MESSAGES
C00062 ENDMK
by K. Pingle
Modified FALL 1972 to reflect changes by Jim Low
WARNING: This document is rated X and is only for the use of adults
with very strong stomachs. It is provided for people who
have to debug leap programs so they have some idea of what
is being done to them and the data structures they might
want to look at. The facts provided here are NOT sufficient
to allow hackers to modify things from their programs. The
information provided may change, or become incorrect, at
any time.
When initialized, SAIL creates a user table in your core
image with information for the runtime routines. This table, whose address
is contained in the cell named GOGTAB, is normally placed in an AC('15) when
leap is called and indexed into. The global model's table is always in a
fixed location starting at GLUSER. If you are inside LEAP, or have just left
it, a pointer to the user table is in AC '15. If it is, or was, a global
model operation (see bits in section 2), a pointer to GLUSER is in AC 7.
Below is a list of the more interesting entries in the user table. Be warned
that the index may change at any time. Those entries with *** following the
index also have meaning in the global user table
**** ***** ********************************************
0 UUO1 This is the return address for the last call
of LEAP, which was cleverly removed from the
stack so you couldn't find it.
302 PDL IOWD SIZE,BASE - the initial system pdl
303 SPDL IOWD SIZE,BASE - the intial string pdl
305 *** MAXITM The current top item number (low number for
global items)
306 *** OLDITM A linked list of deleted items of the form
XWD item #,pointer to next word of list
307 *** INFOTAB Points to a table with information on each item.
A more complete description will be given later.
310 *** DATAB Points to a table with the datums of each item,
indexed by item number. The entry for an item
contains a numerical value, array descriptor,
a pointer to a set, or zero if there is no datum.
A pointer to the table can also be found in cell
DATM in your core image. GDATM contains the
pointer for global datums.
311 *** HASTAB Pointer to a 512 word long hash table for associa-
tions. More will be said about it later.
312 *** FP1 One word free list with right half of each
cell pointing at the next one. FP1 is of the
form XWD end of list,start of list. Used for
sets and various other one word free cells.
313 *** FP2 Pointer to two word free list for associations.
The right half of the first word of each pair
points to the first word of the next pair.
315 HASHP XWD list of free string descriptors,,pointer to
printname hash table. More about this later.
316 MKBP Address of make - breakpoint procedure or 0
if none.
317 ERBP Address of ERASE - breakpoint procedure or 0 if none
323 LEABOT A 86 word long array search control block, or
SCB, used for retrieving associations by the
derived set, association existance test,
bracketed triple item retrieval, and erase
operations. The SCB will be described later.
324 FRLOC Points to the current SCB (for the FOREACH
statement we are currently executing) or zero
if we are not in a FOREACH. The left half
points to a variable named SCB... of the
procedure in which the FOREACH resides. SCB...
is used as a flag to the block exit routine
(BEXIT) which signals whether a FOREACH wil
have to be exited before a GO TO out of the
block is done. FRLOC is only valid if there
are no processes. If there are processes the
information normally in FRLOC is contained
in the process variable CURSCB.
325 SCBCHN Points to a list of abandoned SCB's.
all calls to leap are MOVE 5,control_word, followed by PUSHJ 17,LEAP.
The right half of the control word contains the dispatch number of
the routine to be executed. The left half may contain one or more of
the following bits. Ignore any other bits - leap does.
400000 This is a bracked triple search in a foreach specification
(i.e., in the 'such that' clause)
200000 This is a GLOBAL model operation.
20000 This is a set operation in a foreach specification.
400,40,4 Attribute/Object/Value (of A⊗O≡V) has been bound locally
in a foreach specification. The argument here is the index
into a table in the SCB containing the bound value.
200,20,2 Attribute/Object/Value is being bound by this search in a
foreach specification. The result, if the search succeeds,
will be put in the SCB.
Some special routines such as NEW, and others use the left half for
other information. The exact usage of the left half will be included
in the routine descriptions.
Below are the (octal) dispatch numbers, all '140 of them, and
what they mean. Unless otherwise noted all routines return to the location
following the PUSHJ '17,LEAP.
The contents of ACs upon exit from leap is given. This is subject to
change at any time.
***** ****** *****************************************************
0 FOREC The associative searches for the foreach
specification. A, O, and V are in the stack in that
order at entry. Parts of the triple not globally
bounded are represented by table indicies. ANY is
represented by a zero. An example of a foreach
statement compilation is given later. If the search
fails, control is passed internally (inside the
procedure) to the FOREC search immediately preceding
this one in the foreach statement. If this is the
first one, control goes to the fail exit (see routine
12). If it succeeds, it will return normally with
the current bindings in the SCB in use. Currently
AC 14 will point to this SCB on exit. To determine which
search LEAP is actually going to perform, check for
the BINDING bits in the left half of the control word
and the presence of ANY('0) in the stack.
?⊗?≡? As this search is not yet implemented
this will only give an error message
1-7 RESERVED for future use.
10 10-11 are the set searches in a foreach specification.
The item, or index, and set pointer are in the stack.
11 ?εS
12 FORGO Start a foreach statment. Call+2 is a JRST which is
executed when the foreach fails. The next cell
(call+3) is the number of unbound variables and it
is followed by one cell for each unbound variable
containing the itemvar's address. It returns
with a pointer to the SCB in AC 14.
13 FRPOP Put the current bindings from FOREC into core for the
user at the end of the searches, or before a boolean
in the foreach specification. Unbound variables will
get random values.
14 DOAG This call is at the end of a foreach statement and
returns control internally to FOREC for the next
group of bindings. This also saves the current values
of the foreach locals, so that they may be restored
to the last successful binding if future searches fail.
15 FRFALSE Called by the FALSE result of a boolean expression
in a foreach specification. It is identical to
routine 14 except that the current values of the
locals are not saved.
16 MAKE Make an association. A, O, and V are in the stack
when called. On exit, AC 11 points to the two word
block containing the association.
17 BMAKE Make a bracketed triple. A, O, V are in the stack.
It returns the item it has associated with the triple
on the top of the stack.
20 ERASE Erase an assocaition. A, O, V are in
the stack when called. The search routines are used.
21-27 RESERVED for future use.
30 ISTRIPLE ISTRIPLE test. The item is in the stack when called.
Answer returned in AC 1. (-1 TRUE, 0 FALSE).
31 SELECTOR 31-33 select a part of a bracketed triple. The item
associated with the triple is in the stack.
34 CORPOP inverse of routine 12. Not currently used in
compiled code.
35 LD1 35-37 generate derived sets inside foreach specifica-
tions. The two items are in the stack. It leaves
the a dummy item containing the next element of the
set at the top of the stack. (A⊗O)
36 LD2 (A'V)
37 LD3 (O≡V)
40 D1 40-42 generate normal derived set. Same arguments as
35-37. All leave a temporary set descriptor on top
of the stack. (A⊗O)
41 D2 (A'V)
42 D3 (O=V)
43 DELETE Delete the item in the stack.
44 NEW A new item with no datum is put on the top of the
stack. Left half of control word contains type code of
new item (1) and global bit if a global NEW.
45 NEWART A new item with the arithmetic value in the stack as
its is put on the top of the stack. The type code of the
new item is contained in the left half of the control
word. Left half contains global bit ('200000) if a
global NEW. NOTE if a new string item then the value
is on top of the string stack not the arithmetic stack.
46 NEWARY A new item with a copy of the array whose descriptor
is in the stack as its datum is put on the top of the
stack. Type code and global bit in left half of control
47 FDON Release the current foreach statement for DONE or GO
TO jumping out of foreach.
50 PUTIN PUT the item in the stack into the set pointed to by
AC 14 on entry and exit.
51 REMOV REMOVE the item in the stack from the set pointed to
by AC 14 on entry and exit.
52 SIP For making up sets from lists of items {A,B,C,D}.
The next item to insert is on the top of the stack.
The set being built is next in the stack and is
left on the top of the stack.
53 STIN Test if the item on the top of the stack is in the set or list
which is next in the stack.
54 COUNT Returns in AC 1 the length of the set or list on the top of
the stack.(Often compiled in-line).
55 UNIT Returns on top of stack the first item of the set or list on
the top of the stack at entry (COP)
56 UNION The union of the two sets in the stack is left on the
top of the stack.
57 INTER The intersection of the two sets in the stack is
left on the top of the stack.
60 SUBTRA Set subtraction left on top of the stack. The subtra-
hend is on top of stack at entry, other set below it.
61 STORITM Store the set or item on the top of the stack in the
cell pointed to by ac 14, which has a -1 in the left
half if storing a set. If the thing is an item you
should never get this call since the compiler now
generates a 'POP' in line. If it stored a set, it
reclaimed the old set, if any.
62 Same as 61 but also leaves the thing on the top of the
63 RESERVED for future use.
64 POPSET Same as 61 but puts a set in AC1.
65 SETEST 65-72 are set relationals. Both sets are in the stack
66 A>B
67 A=B
70 A≠B
71 A≤B
72 A≥B
73 ISIT Test for the existance of an association
using the search routines. The three items are in
the stack.
74-102 RESERVED for future use.
103 BRITM Retrieve a bracketed triple, given A, O, V
in the stack and put its item on the top of the stack.
104-112 RESERVED for future use
113 ITMRY Initialize the array item on the top of the stack
unless the global bit is set. Then, if bit 1 is
also on in the control word it is a global array
item; otherwise it is just a global array with
nothing in the stack.
114 ITMYR Initialize a compiled in array item.You shouldn't see this
as all array items are now dynamically allocated.
115 STLOP Apply LOP to the set or list in AC 14 and put the item on the
top of the stack.
116 BNDTRP Associative boolean of form BIND x ⊗BIND y ≡ BIND z
where any of the BINDs may be omitted.
117 SETCOP Copy the set in AC 14 for use as a value parameter to
a procedure. New set put into loc. pointed to by AC 14.
120 SETRCL Reclaim the set pointed to by AC 14 which was created by 117.
121 CATLST concatenate the list on the top of the stack to
the list below it on the stack. Return result on
top of stack.
122 PUTAFT searches the list pointed to by AC 14 for the item(1)
on the top of the stack and places the item(2) below it
on the stack inside the list after the first instance of
item(1) or at the end of the list if item(1) is not present.
123 PUTBEF searches the list pointed to by AC 14 for the item(1)
on the top of the stack and places the item(2) below it
on the stack inside the list before the first instance of
item(1) or at the head of the list if item(1) is not present.
124 SELFET index on top of stack, list below index on stack. Fetches
the n th (index) element of the list and leaves it on the
125 TSBLST preforms the sublist operation LIST[I TO J]. J on top of stack
I below that and list below I. Returns sublist on top of stack.
126 FSBLST same as 125 except preforms FOR sublisting operation.
127 SETLXT takes the list on the top of the stack and returns a set
containing the same elements on the top of stack.
130 RPLAC preforms LIST[N]← it. AC 14 points to LIST. it on top of
stack, N immediately below it.
131 REMX performs REMOVE n FROM list. list pointed at by AC 14,
n on top of stack.
132 REMALL performs REMOVE ALL it FROM LIST. LIST pointed to by AC 14,
it on top of stack.
133 PUTXA performs PUT it IN LIST AFTER n. LIST pointed to by AC 14,
n on top of stack, it immediately below n.
134 PUTXB same as 133 except BEFORE.
135 LSTMAK same as 52 except makes list
136 CALMP call a matching procedure. on stack is a zero followed by
parameters to matching procedure with the procedure descriptor
at the top of the stack.
137 STK4VL stack a ? local. On top of stack is XWD routine_increment,,satis. no.
If satisfier unbound adds routine_increment to INDEX4 of SCB
which is used as added to dispatch in FOREC.
140 STK4LC stack a ? local as a matching procedure ? parameter.
Below is the actual code generated (on JUNE 10,1973) by the
following statement:
The parts of the statement are enclosed in {} in the listing.
Notice that, in the comments below, when control is transfered to L2
or L6, it is transfered inside leap to the code called by those
calls. Breakpoints at those locations would not win.
{DO Z←X}
If you want to know what leap is doing internally during all
this, read on, and on, and on.
Sets and lists are composed of one word blocks linked as follows:
NAME: XWD number of elements, WD2 The set or list descriptor
WD3: XWD item number,WD4
WD4: ...
XWD item number,WDn
WDn: XWD item number,0
NAME: |Length | . |
------|--- | . | WD2
| ----------------|-----
| |
| --------------
| ↓
| ----------------------
| | item no. | . | WD3
| ----------------|-----
| |
| --------------
| ↓
. .
. .
. .
| | item no. | . |
| ----------------|-----
| |
| --------------
| ↓
| ----------------------
-----→| item no. | 0 | WDn
The words come from the one word free list (FP1) and are
returned there when the set or is deleted. With sets, the items
are ordered by item number, with the lowest first. This means that
the earliest declared or created item will be first for local items
and the most recent for global items, whose numbers start at 4096 and
come down. The order for lists is completely program dependant.
There are two kinds of sets, permanent and temporary. The
former are created by "PUT X IN SET1" or by assigning a set to a set
variable. They stick around until deleted by the program by storing
PHI or another set into the variable. PHI, the null set, causes a
zero to be stored into the set variable. Temporary sets are created
by all other set operations and are indicated by a negative count in
the first word. For example, if you have the statement:
IF Xε(A∩B)∪{A1,A2} THEN ...;
then A∩B generates a temporary set, {A1,A2} generates a second one,
the union generates a third and deletes the first two, and the
inclusion test deletes the third one. If the statement is inside a
loop, this happens every time. You should assign the set expression
to a variable, if possible, to make it permanent. Sets passed by
value to subroutines are copied, only if they are permanent, and the
copy, which looks like a permanent set, is deleted upon exit from the
procedure. Temporary sets should be pointed to only by accumulators
and the stack; they should never be stored in variables.
There are similarly two kinds of lists, permanent and temporary
which behave much as the corresponding kind of set.
Describing the way associations are stored can be done only
with some difficulty. We will start with some definitions to save me
writing (remember these for section 6 also). WD1 is the first word
of a two word association block. WD2 is the second word. LH is the
left half of the word specified. RH is the right half. A, O, and V
refer to the three items of an association (A⊗O≡V).
To start the description we look at INFOTAB (from Section 1),
an array which has an entry for each item, both local and global
items in the case of a lower segment, indexed by the item number.
The LH of each entry contains the start of the value list [VL], which
links together all associations with this item as V. It points to
WD1 of the association. In fact, all pointers to associations point
to WD1. The RH of each entry contains a 12 bit filed for PROPS, and
a 6 bit field for the type whose value is
returned by TYPEIT. Two byte pointers exist called PROPS and INFTB
which correspond to these fields. Simply load AC 3 with the item number
and the do a LDB ac,INFTB and ac will now magically contain the type
code.There are two similar byte pointers GPROPS and GINFTB for the
global model.
Associations are stored as two word blocks in a bucket hash table.
To get the table index of the bucket we perform an operation called hashing.
There are many ways of doing this but here we hash A and O by
shifting A left one bit, exclusive ORing O into it, and ANDing the
result with a mask to truncate the result to the size of the table.
The contents of this bucket is a pointer to the first of a list
of things which hash to the same value (known as the conflict list).
We may have several associations with the same A and O,
but different V's (there is of course only a single copy of any association
so we never have the case of two associations in the store containing
the exact same A, O, and V). This is called multiple hits.
First let us consider the easy case where there are no multiple
hits and there are no two associations which hash to the same bucket.
0 18 35
* * * TYPE 1
* VL POINTER * 0 *
* * *
* * * *
* A * O * V *
* * * *
0 12 24 35
The association fits in one word since the maximum item
number is twelve bits long. The VL pointer points to the next
association on the value list for V or is zero if this is the last
If there are multiple hits, then the entry on the conflict
list looks like this:
0 18 35
* * * TYPE 2
* MH POINTER * 0 *
* * *
* * * *
* A * O * 0 *
* * * *
0 12 24 35
The zero in the V part of WD2 indicates multiple hits [MH].
This block is not an association, it is the header block for a list
of associations with this A and O. The LH of WD1 points to the first
association on the list, all of which [type 3] are the same as type 1
except that the RH of WD1 points to the next association on the MH
list, or is zero for the last one. The blocks for associations on the
MH list are taken from the two word free storage list (FP2) and are
returned there if the association is erased.
If there are conflicts, the RH of WD1 each element of th
conflict list, which is a block of either type 1 or 2, points to the
next association on the conflict list [CL], which may be of either type 1
or 2, depending on whether or not there are multiple hits for that A
and O. The conflict list continues through the RH of WD1 of all
associations which hash to this index, with a zero for the last one.
This structure is expanded and collapsed as necessary when
associations are made and erased. Note that when a multiple hit list
contains only two associations and one is then erased, we do not
erase the multiple hit list header but wait until there are no
associations with that A, O pair.
For those who prefer pictures with lots of spaghetti, this
mess can be represented by the picture below, showing the multiple
hit list [ML] and the conflict list [CL] for this hash table entry,
and part of one of the value lists [VL] linking into it.
INFOTAB table+V1 ↑
↓ VL
VL ↑
↓ ↑
hash table ↓ ↑
+index: →A1-O1-V1 →→CL→→ A2-O2-0 →→CL→→ A3-O3-0 →→CL→→ A4-O4-V1
↓ ↓ ↓ ↑
↓ ML ML ↑
↓ ↓ ↓ ↑
↓ A2-O2-V2 A3-O3-V3 ↑
↓ ↓ ↓ ↑
↓ ML ML ↑
↓ ↓ ↓ ↑
VL A2-O2-V5 A3-O3-V7 VL
↓ ↓ ↑
↓ ML ↑→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→VL→→→→→→→→→→→→↑
↓ ↓ ↑
↓ A2-O2-V1
↓ ↑
If you do not understand the above description and picture,
you are welcome to read the code.
Before leaving this facinating subject, there is one more
complication, which I left until last so I would not have to include
it in the above picture.
When a bracketed triple is created, a normal association is
made and linked into the hash table. The high order bit of the LH of
WD1 is complemented from its normal value (it is now 1 for a lower
segment association and 0 for an global association) to indicate a
bracketed triple. The next thing in
the value list through the association is a one (1) word block with
the value list pointer in the LH and the RH containing the item
representing the bracketed triple. The RH of the item's entry in
DATAB points to the original association block.
To do fast associative searches, two more hash tables are
needed, one hashing O and V, with an attribute list (corresponding to
the value list for this hash table), and the other hashing A and V,
with an object list. Then, given two items, hashing into the proper
table gives all possible third items, and, given one item, the list
for that item given all possible pairs of items in the current
associations. Since we only have one table and list, mainly to save
core, some searches are slower than others, as hinted at in section
2. The associative searches are done like this:
A⊗O≡? hash A and O to get a triple, or a set of them (the multi-
ple hit list).
A⊗O≡V hash A and O to get V, searching the multiple hit list if
necessary. There is only one possible match.
?⊗O≡V and A⊗?≡V search Vs value list for all instances of the
given A or O.
?⊗?≡V Vs value list is the set of associations requested.
?⊗O≡? and A⊗?≡? Try using all possible A's(O's)and then use the
A⊗O≡? search for each possible A (O).
Foreach statements use the structures described in the last
two sections and retrieve from them items which fit the conditions of
the foreach specification. This section describes the foreach search
control blocks (SCBs) which enable the leap routines to keep track of
the status of each search for when it is necessary to continue it.
Each foreach statement generates a new SCB when first called and
releases it when the statement is exited. Each SCB is 87 words long
and contains the following:
WD1 push down pointer to the top of the stack for this block, which
starts at WD16. The PDL initially points to WD17.
WD2 if you load AC 3 with the index of an unbound variable and
execute WD2, you get the current satisfier in AC 1 from the
table at WD6.
WD3 Same as WD2 except satisfier appears in AC2.
WD4 DPB X,WD4 stores the item in AC X in the table as the satisfier
for the variable whose index is in AC 3.
WD5 minus the number of unbound variables as obtained from the
second word after the call of leap routine 11.
WD6-WD15 a 10 word table of satisfiers. The LH of each word is the
current item. The RH is the address of the itemvar the satis-
fier is bound to. These are filled by the search routines and
are stored in your program by routine 12.
WD16 start of a two word dummy SCB entry below the start of the
stack. It contains XWD 0,-1 which stops searches in this
block when the routines try to use it as an index into a
table of search routines.
WD17 the JRST for the failure exit for this foreach statement.
WD18-WD86 The rest of the SCB is used as a pushdown stack containing
one 8 word SCB entry for each active search for a triple or
set inclusion specification in the associative context of this
foreach statement (i.e., one is set up by the initial call,
for each foreach statement, of routines 0-10). The PDL
pointer in WD1 points to the end of the SCB entry currently
being used in a search.
The 8 word SCB entry looks like this:
WD1 satisfier index, if unbound, or item number for the value
of this association.
WD2 satisfier index or item number, for object of associaton
if search routine 0-6, or the set descriptor for routines
WD3 index or item number for attribute of association, or for
set test.
WD4 compare mask for associative searches. It contains ones in
the parts of the word containing bound portions of the
triple and zeros in the remainder.
WD5 -1 if no search yet (WD6 not set up), else ≥0
WD6 pointer into set or associative structures (ML or VL lists)
where search is to continue. If it is zero search will
fail if called again.
WD7 control word from call to this search from program, so we
can branch back internally when a search fails. The left
half contains the bits and the right half contains the
search routine to be executed (actually a number 0-10 which
corresponds to the leap routines with those numbers).
WD8 return address from the call to this search, for when we
WD87 OF SCB -address of SCB... variable and the SCB of the dynamically
enclosing foreach.
Most of the leap runtime error messages are easy to
understand. Below is a list of the dryrot error messages and what
they mean.
ANY⊗ANY BITES you cannot specify a derived set with both items
ANY (i.e., FOO←(ANY⊗ANY). This is equivalent to asking for
every association and is illegal.
MAKE the association you are making is the first multiple hit
for this A and O, necessitating a header block. The
routines have just discovered that the value of the other
association is not on the proper value list. (most of the
errors from make and erase result from deleting items
which still appear in associations, or core garbaging).
The value of the association being erased is not on the
proper value list.
ERASE2 The association to be erased was not found on the conflict
list for this hash. In both this case and the next one,
the search routines have already verified that the triple
exists but when erase routines tried to compact the
structure they could not find it again.
ERASE3 The association to be erased was not found on the multiple
hit list for this hash (see last message).
ARRAY ITEM CONFUSION the item you are deleting has as its datum
an array whose descriptor cannot be found in SAIL's array
PROC EXIT WITH TEMP SET a set which was copied for passing to
a procedure is now being deleted at the end of the
procedure and it has been found to be a temporary set
which cannot happen.
PNAME only part of the structure associated with the pname being
processed exists.